Accompagnamento spirituale salesiano, Altre Attività Dicastero, Formazione dei Formatori

School of Salesian spiritual accompaniment. English speaking Group. 17 April – 18 May 2023. Valdocco-Colle Don Bosco

(ANS) The School of Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment of English-speaking Salesians concluded on 18 May 2023. There were 24 Salesians from 19 Provinces and Vice-Provinces from 14 countries, from the Africa-Madagascar, East Asia-Oceania, South Asia Regions, as well as Great Britain and Malta. The five-week program began on April 17, and was conducted by a team… Continue reading School of Salesian spiritual accompaniment. English speaking Group. 17 April – 18 May 2023. Valdocco-Colle Don Bosco